Go around the neighborhood visiting old and new friends
Sit outside with some chairs offering a seat or a treat for neighbors to stop and visit a minute
You can invite neighbors to stop by your house for the next Out&About by adding your location to the Seat or Treat map.
An Out&About is a coordinated time on the first Sunday evening of each month to visit neighbors. You can go around the neighborhood visiting, or host a stop for neighbors to sit and visit a minute, offering a treat or even music or yard games to add to the fun. You don’t need permission to visit or host, everyone is welcome to participate!
Many communities have organized Out&Abouts for years, but they take a lot of work, coordination, and publicity. We’re establishing the tradition that Out&Abouts are always on First Sundays so that they can happen with little effort. We want Out&Abouts to become like Trick or Treating on Halloween — no one has to organize it, people just know what to do on October 31 if they want to participate.
Sunday evening is the most open time of the week for leisure, and we chose First Sundays because it’s easy to remember.
Communities and neighborhoods are stronger when people know each other. You can make a difference by helping to establish the Out&About tradition wherever you are. It only takes one person to get the ball rolling.
about out&abouts on social media, by distributing flyers, putting up yard signs.
to give your neighbors a place to visit. Be sure to add your stop to the map.
talk to your friends and groups - school, church, city, workplace, PTA, HOA, etc.
to share the Out&About message. click here